If you’re seeking a job that involves the handling, use or trade of firearms, you’ll likely need a Firearm Competency for Business Purposes.
This includes careers in…
- Private security
- Nature conservation
- Field guiding
- Professional hunting
- Firearm instruction
- Firearm sales
- Firearm transportation
- Shooting range management
- Film-set armoury
- Anti-piracy protection
- Anti-poaching
- And any other industry that requires a firearm for business purposes.
To apply for a Business Purposes Competency Certificate, you must complete the 117705 Unit Standard (Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act) as well as the basic Unit Standard (see below) applicable for your relevant application.
On that note, competency training for Business Purposes is categorised by four Unit Standards:
- Handle & Use a Handgun for Business Purposes (Unit standard 123515)
- Handle & Use a Shotgun for Business Purposes (Unit standard 123514)
- Handle & Use a Self-Loading rifle or Carbine for Business Purposes (Unit standard 123511)
- Handle & Use a Manually Operated Rifle or Carbine for Business Purposes (Unit standard 123519)
Learners must select the Unit Standard that best relates to their field of employment, but they can also opt to cover all four weapon platforms via the ‘Combination Manual’.
The benefit of completing the Combination Manual is that it offers more employment opportunities within a broader range of firearm-related industries.
However, the Combination Manual may not warrant the additional cost if your career path is certain. For example, Field Guides may have little need to complete the Shotgun Unit Standard. Likewise, Private Security Guards may not need Proficiency Training for a Manually Operated Rifle.
Once learners have successfully completed their Proficiency Training and received certificates from the training academy and PFTC, they can then apply for their Competency Certificate with SAPS.
Fortunately, all of the above courses and Unit Standards are available at the False Bay Firearm Training Academy, as well as free equipment hire and advice on which Unit Standard best suits your needs.
For more information or advice, call (021) 782 0107 021 300 1179 or email book@fbfta.co.za. Follow the relevant links above for pricing.
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